Sunday, October 23, 2016

Afghanistan; Drastic Increase of Opium Production Worries UN

The United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported an increase of 43% in opium production in Afghanistan on 2015. The poppy plant produces opium and other powerful medicinal painkillers like morphine.

According to UNODC, there was an increase in the farm area used for opium by 10% to 201,000 hectares of land. Improve farming condition generating greater harvest in the farm increasing the overall production. Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of UNODC said that the data shows “a worrying reversal in efforts”.

Largest producer of opium

Afghanistan is the foremost producer of opium in the world. Opium is the main ingredient needed to produce heroin. Several nations grow their own supply and closely monitors production of the plant. They use it strictly for medicinal purposes.

In Afghanistan, cultivating the plant is also illegal; nevertheless, it attracts farming communities in the impoverished region in the country. Since the mass production of opium in the country is used mainly for the  illegal drug trade.

Taliban uses the tax money it collects from the poppy production in areas it controls to fund its military needs.

The Afghanistan government created a state policy to destroy poppy crops. However, allegations of corruption often surround government officials since the crop is so widespread in many government-controlled regions.

afghan-opium-cropA local farmer told Justin Rowlatt of BBC’s South Asia that the local government knew about his crop in the north-east. He said, “They also know it is the only way anyone can make decent money.”

Paltry amount of poppies destroyed by authorities

The provincial authorities destroyed 255 hectares or 877 acres of poppy farms. It was a measly feat compared to the 4,000 hectares and down more than 90% of the poppies eradicated since 2015. During the eradication effort, seven insurgents and one officer died in the operations. Another seven people were also injured.

54% of the total opium production is located in the southern region of Afghanistan. It is also the most productive area in the country. Along with the Taliban forces’ presence, Helmand province is the single largest producer. The area claims more than 80,000 hectares of poppy farming.

Helmand province often serves as an area for conflicts between the Taliban fighters and Nato-led coalition forces. In 2014, the Nato-supported forces withdrew from the region. The Taliban fighters assaulted the capital Lashkar Gah in early October.

The post Afghanistan; Drastic Increase of Opium Production Worries UN appeared first on Newsline.

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