Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Bottoms Up! Switzerland Approves ‘Slightly Drunk’ Emergency Workers to Go on Duty

SWITZERLAND – The Swiss government passed a legislation allowing “slightly tipsy” emergency response employee to still report on duty. The ease on the alcohol ban intends to furnish staffing shortages of volunteer firefighters and other emergency workers. These are local employees who handle heavy equipment in an emergency situation specifically in the smaller towns.

‘Leniency of alcohol consumption’

Responding officers including off-duty employees of the professed “blue-light” organization whose blood-alcohol level does not exceed.050%, will no longer face sanctions. The legislature blood-alcohol level percentage is the same limit regulatory as to the other drivers, will take effect commencing January 1 next year.

On Wednesday the Swiss Federal Roads Office released the statement about the leniency of alcohol consumption. The current threshold for the blood-alcohol level for the emergency response worker is at 0.10 %.

The agency believed that “This change is necessary as rescue and disaster relief organizations today are increasingly dependent on people who are not on duty or on call. The government is addressing the need for the best possible recruitment of personnel in the event they are needed for unexpected rescue operations.”

On-duty Emergency workers still covered by ban

Zurich emergency services commander, Peter Wullschleger confirmed that the drinking ban is still in effect for all on-duty firefighters and emergency response workers. It also includes on-call officers who they can consider to response in an emergency situation.

swiss-emergency-workersThe ease of the alcohol consumption targets the small communities which do not have professional firefighters and solely rely on volunteers. The law requires the volunteers to always be vigilant and to assume an emergency call anytime.

Wullschleger said, “With the ban, theoretically it would have been impossible for somebody enjoying even a nice glass of red wine during the Christmas holidays to fulfill their duty in the event of an emergency.”

Previously, the Alpine Republic passed a law for cable car drivers to escape criminal prosecution if caught under the influence of alcohol leading to an accident. Swiss law alcohol consumption leniency is the latest modification in the law for alcohol and occupational safety.

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