Friday, October 21, 2016

Will AI destroy humankind?

In an old interview of Professor Stephen Hawking with BBC two years ago citing the advancement of AI, he maintained that it could wipe out humanity.

Recently, Stephen Hawking joined with Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak expressing their concerns about the rapid technology growth. They warned humanity that Artificial Intelligence can be more dangerous. However, above all them, Prof Hawking’s has the most portentous vision of a world where robots decided to overtake us.

However, above all, Prof Hawking’s fear has the most portentous vision of a world where robots decided to overtake us.

The goal of these group of AI experts was to let the whole world know about the future of science. Furthermore, they aim to persuade other scientists to join and let their voices be heard in a debate.

In the event at Cambridge last Wednesday, the group formed the Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI). This Organization was designed to research the implications of AI.

“I’m glad someone was listening,” added Prof Hawking’s during the launch of the centre.


In a short speech, he discussed the positive and negative effects of technology. Some examples are the recent self-driving car technology and Google’s DeepMind AI.

He said, “I believe there is no deep difference between what can be achieved by a biological brain and what can be achieved by a computer. It therefore follows that computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence — and exceed it.”

Recent technological discoveries could lead to eradication of some diseases, poverty and even climate change. However, it could also have negative effects like the creation of autonomous deadly weapons, economic disruption, and machines that could conflict with humanity.

“In short, the rise of powerful AI will be either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity. We do not yet know which.”

So the CFI’s mission is to find out whether AI would eventually destroy us or not.

The multi-disciplinary centre, which gathers philosophers, psychologists, lawyers and computer scientists, will have a more realistic programme of research.

Before we develop robots deciding the faith of humanity, we should start deciding first if autonomous vehicles should protect pedestrians or passengers.

Robotic automation a more imminent problem

Another famous speaker at the launching was Professor Maggie Boden, an expert in AI research for more than 50 years.

“It is too early for us to worry about eminent extinction and was less convinced that we are heading into an AI future soon,” said Prof Boden.

She worries about robotic automation, like in Japan where they developed a robot to take care of elderly and sick. She said we should ask ourselves whether this was dehumanizing. “I’m scared of that,” she said.

After years of study, Prof Boden is still not convinced robots would replace humans’ functions that include emotions and empathy.

Artificial Intelligence could soon help the government with functions that could cut down cost and focus more on social care. Nevertheless, this should be only at the cost of those who need help.

Centre for the Future of Intelligence can now address these concerns and other urgent issues, rather than focus on the future “terminator” threat.

The post Will AI destroy humankind? appeared first on Newsline.

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