Friday, October 28, 2016

Protecting the Ross Sea, Antarctica’s ‘Last Ocean’

An International Commission plans to safeguard the massive section of the Ross Sea, home to marine animals such as petrels and killer whales.

The Marine Protected Area (MPA) will ban fishing and drilling in the said region.

The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) established in 1980, consists of 24 countries and the European Union, Its mission is to protect the common resources of the Southern Ocean.

UK made its first attempt to limit activities in the Ross Sea. It proposed the creation of the South Orkney Marine Protected Area at CCAMLR in 2009.

So far the commission is successful on limiting fishing activities around the South Orkneys. It now attempts to give protection to much larger bodies of water surrounding the Antarctica continent.

Last year, Russia was seen as the one country holding out against a consensus on the Ross Sea, just right after the negotiations.

The commission proposed expanding the MPA into East Antarctica and the Weddell Sea. However, there is a belief that Russia would support the Ross Sea option this time around.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has designated 2017 as the year of ecology and has expanded the MPA around Franz Josef Land in the Arctic.

“People have come into it feeling very positive that this could be the year,” said Cassandra Brookes, a Ph.D. student at Stanford University.

“Despite the US and Russian tensions in other parts of the world, historically countries have worked wonders in the Antarctic and I hope this will be a case where we see science and diplomacy working,” she added.

The Ross Sea which makes 2% of the Southern Ocean which homes to 38% of the world’s Adelie penguins, 30% of the world’s Antarctic Petrels and 6% world’s population of the Antarctic minke whales.

antarctic-minke-whaleConcerns are rising as overfishing and climate change have significantly impacted the numbers of Krill. The small crustaceans are a staple food for species like whales and seals.

New Zealand and the United States proposed a “no-take” protection zone. This is an area  where no one can remove marine life and minerals in the area.

They also proposed a special zone where fishing from krill and toothfish would be allowed for “research purposes”

Mike Walker, from the Antarctic Ocean Alliance, said, “Right now, 24 countries and the EU are negotiating what could be the first-ever large-scale marine sanctuary in international waters.”

“An agreement would be a historic move to protect the ocean.”
One question remains – how long would the MPA last?

20 years may not be enough

China believes 20 years is long enough, but many conservationists said this is far too short. Especially, if one takes the lifespan of the animals that lives in the Ross Sea into consideration.

“We’ll see what it is,” said Cassandra Brooks.

“It will have value for the times it’s in place. But can it meet its objectives in such a short duration? That’s something that a lot of people are worried about.”

As concerns rise over the Artic, the UN attempted to develop a New Marine Biodiversity Treaty. One that could probably halt the Ross Sea proposal.

“For some states, it comes down to economics, for others, it is about setting a precedent,” added Brooks.

“For others, it might be cultural. A lot of people might say that MPAs are a very western thing so there could be some breakdown there.

“I am optimistic, sometimes it just takes time and the political window of opportunity – are we in that? It remains to be seen.”

The post Protecting the Ross Sea, Antarctica’s ‘Last Ocean’ appeared first on Newsline.

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